How to Unlock Wii

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The Nintendo Wii has changed the entire face and demographics of the video games market. If you can learn how to unlock Wii, you can expand the features of your console and enjoy so many more things, that you probably had no idea you could do.

The Wii is a truly powerful video game console, and its sales figures are almost double of the Sony PlayStation 3. the reason for this is the unique gaming experience that the Wii offers, and this has led to the introduction of a whole new market segment of gamers. But most people think that the only purpose of the Wii is to play all the Wii games and view pictures using an external SD card. But if you learn how to unlock Wii then you can use this amazing console for so many more things.

Why Unlock Wii

This is the first question that most people would ask, and once you get the answers it is easy to see why so many people want to know about unlocking the Nintendo Wii. Piracy is a major concern for the manufacturers of video games, but the truth is that these games are expensive and if they get damaged we cannot purchase another DVD just like that. For this reason it is necessary to have back-up CDs of our games, and by unlocking the Wii we can play these back-up CDs.

Additionally we can then use the Wii for playing any kind of media files, surfing the Internet, playing imported games and playing HomeBrew games (which are completely free). One can even download Wii games and play them for free. With all these additional features the Wii becomes more than just a video game console, it takes the role of a complete media center. This is why it is very important to learn how to unlock Wii for free.

How to Unlock Wii

Now let us see how to go about this task. First and foremost you must know that this is illegal, and by unlocking your Wii your warranty shall become null and void. So think about the consequences carefully before you go ahead and actually unlock your Wii. Moreover, there are plenty of guides and tutorials over the Internet that will show you how exactly to unlock your Wii console. These are highly technical in nature and require the expertise of someone who is well accustomed with the inner workings of the Nintendo Wii games console comprehensively. If you have this knowledge you can unlock it yourself. If not, you need to approach someone who does and take their help.

You can choose to unlock your Wii by installing a Mod Chip in the console, and this is the reason why the warranty will be nullified. Alternately, you can choose to Softmod the console, and keep the warranty intact. If you choose Softmodding, then know that every time you switch off the console the mod will vanish. You will have to carry out the entire process again after you switch it on again the next time. If this is the case, you must write down the complete instructions on how to unlock Wii console for free from someone who knows how to do it.

The three guides that will help you the most in order to unlock the Wii are Wii Unlocker Ultra, HomeBrew Installer and HomeBreware. You will have to pay a small amount of money in order to purchase these guides but they will teach you how to do it easily. There are some Wii membership sites over the Internet as well that show you how to unlock Wii for a small price.

Before you set out on any of these tasks you must heed all warnings and be aware of all the possible consequences. Your console can get spoiled in the bargain as well, and this is something you definitely do not want. But the amount of benefits and advantages that you can enjoy by unlocking the Wii should sway your mind to make a decision.

You can also search online to get information about how to unlock Wii Mario Kart characters, how to unlock Wii Fit games and how to unlock other Wii games.

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