Download PS2 Games!

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Do you still buy your Playstation games from your local shop? Walking down in the pouring rain only to find that the game youre after is sold out? Now a days its just as easy to download a game from the internet, burn it to CD and play on! But most of the games are old and downloading them from P2P networks like Kazaa and torrent sites is illegal.

So is there away to download Playstation games from the comfort of your home legally? Yes there is! Certain websites have databases full of Playstation games, music, videos, movies and games on other platforms, all kept up to date and free to download. You have to pay a fee to join these sites, but its only a one time fee and there is usually a money back guarantee. Remember to check for this before you join though.

So are these sites easy to use? Most of them are, with both downloads straight from the site and person to person downloads. You just log on, search for the game your after and start downloading. When the game finishes downloading (which takes 2-4 hours) you can burn it to CD and play it on your Playstation. Simple!

Which are the best sites to use? There are a lot of them out there and some are no where near as good as others. There games are old and there download speeds are slow. Also some sites are specific to a certain platform. Some could be for Xbox or Nintendo, but there are a lot that has everything.

What would you say if I told you, you can now download PS2 games online? Not only has the newly arrived PS3 been out for quite a while now...but the previous systems games (the PS2) are still costing almost as much as they did when released. These days it now a lot more convenient and practical to be able to download PS2 games online and transfer to DVD through the power of the internet.

When downloading any software program or game from the internet it is always good to know the risks and issues involved. There has been much publicity in recent times on people using illegal peer-to-peer applications to enable free downloads. This is where you really benefit from using one of the paid services online for peace of mind when do download PS2 games. For a one time fee, not only do you get peace of mind any files downloaded are legal, safe and virus free, but also many of the better download sites will offer a comprehensive library of PS2 games.

Having the service archive a list of games and provide both the games, software and licensing required is generally well worth what is typically a once off nominal fee.

So, Are these sites user friendly and easy to use? Well, from the investigation I have done most seem to be. Of the 3 sites tested the process generally involves logging onto the website, performing a search for the games title, then clicking the 'download PS2 game' button. The game will generally take around 2 hours to download, (although this may change depending upon the speed of your internet connection).

Upon downloading the games will need to be transferred to DVD before they can be played on your PS2. Thankfully each of the services I subscribed to had their own DVD burning software, and as I have a DVD burner in my laptop is was no issue transferring the games onto disk.

Which are the best sites to use? There are quite a few sites available; many may be specific to a certain platform of console. Generally speaking the services that offer a large collection of games and downloads (think 10,000+) are reliable platforms that will offer both a good service and solid support and tools for the user should you encounter any problems.

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