How To Get Rid Of YLOD Problem In Playstation 3

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Did you experience game freezing while playing your favorite PS3 game? This is a typical issue amongst long time PS3 users, and while it's not a serious issue (when compared with XBOX360"s 'Red Ring of Death'), it may deter your gaming experience tremendously.

Sony continuously releases firmware updates in order to combat and fix PlayStation 3 errors but to no avail. You need to know how to fix PlayStation 3 issues, and correct these errors by yourself.

If you wish to know how to fix PS3 errors and issues, you need to go and check out PlayStation 3 forums and online discussions. These communities give great ideas and advices for you to be able to fix your issues with your PS3.

Suggested Fixes For The Playstation Issues

One of the numerous recommendations given by these people is that you should turn off the information bar in the top right corner of the PS3 menu. This fixes the majority of freezing problems, as enabling this option causes your PS3 to slow down much.

Another 'fix' for your freezing problems is that you need to check all the cables and connections. Make sure that they're all plugged on the right slots and tightly as well. If they are damaged, change them right away, as this is one of the numerous causes of game freezing.

You may also have it fixed by bringing your console on shops that offers PlayStation 3 repair services. This is not suggested however, as having someone else repair the console will void the warranty and there's also no assurance that it will be fixed and repaired.

Should these fixes do not work for you, bring your console to the store where you purchased the console. Should there be problems done to either or both the hardware and software, the warranty would cover it therefore you should have no problem paying extra to have it repaired. You can also choose to have your console replaced by mailing it to Sony, although you will have to pay them a little fee. Or if you don't have enough money, you can choose to have them repair your console instead.

What Causes Freezing?

PS3 freezes happen due to plenty of reasons: poor air flow, a game functionality, or due to loose cabling / connections.

Poor ventilation is among the main causes, as without the proper ventilation, it'll be more prone to overheating, causing your game to freeze all of a sudden. Give it the proper ventilation it needs, and have it rest for some minutes to an hour.

Another cause is game functionality. Games have specific conditions or instructions, that, upon triggering it, causes the game to freeze. Some triggers are playing for too long (4-5 hours), or playing on the internet for more than the allotted time. This is a great thing, but, as it reminds them that they should also spend some time outside.

Loose wires and connections may also be a problem, and could also cause game freezing. Ensure that the wires and connectors are plugged and that there're no visible damages. If you see any visible damages, have it changed instantly.

If you wish to learn more about the numerous fixes you can do to remedy your PlayStation 3 issues, visit this site. The website contains a plethora of information about the PlayStation 3, also containing various tricks and tips to repair your PS3 issues.

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