How To Fix 3 Flashing Red Lights On Xbox 360

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The 3 flashing red lights on your Xbox 360 is caused by heat. This is a pretty tough problem to fix, and that's why many people say to you that you need to send your console over to Microsoft and pay $150 or use your warranty. But is this true? Is it really that hard to fix by yourself?

Try these tips out first, it might solve the 3 flashing red lights on your Xbox 360

1) Restart your console, and put it back on after 20 minutes.

2) Check for loose cables.

3) Plug out all the cables except the power cord, and plug them back in.

4) Take out your hard-drive, and get it back in.

If these tips didn't fix the 3 flashing red lights on your Xbox 360, then you have to consider between sending your console over to Microsoft, or doing it yourself with the use of a repair guide.

Sending your Xbox 360 witth the 3 flashing red lights to Microsoft

You could let Microsoft fix your console, but this is not for free. You'll have to either use your warranty, and if that has been expired, you will have to pay $150 for the repairs. Another downside are the waiting times. You'll have to wait for 2-6 weeks before you'll be able to get your console back.

Fix 3 flashing red lights on Xbox 360 by yourself, is this possible?

As I've said before, the 3 flashing red lights on your Xbox 360 are hard to fix, but this doesn't mean that you cannot fix it... As long as you use an Xbox 360 repair guide, you will be able to fix the 3 flashing red lights on your console. Why? Because the repair guide will walk you through step by step, so you will be able to get the problem fixed by yourself on an easy and fast way.

So if the tips that I gave you didn't work, you've got 2 options left. Send your console to Microsoft, pay $150 and wait for 2-6 weeks. Or you could actually fix the problem yourself within a couple of hours with the use of an xbox 360 Repair Guide

I'd recommended you to use a repair guide. This way, the fix will be easier, cheaper and faster. You'll be able to get the problem fixed within a couple of hours or even within 1 hour.

Why would you pay $150 and wait 2-6 for the repairs if you could do it much cheaper and faster? Be smart, do it yourself with an xbox 360 Repair Guide

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