A Direct Sales Business Plan = Success in 2009

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The Secret To Success In Direct Sales

I replaced my full time job with my home party business in about 9 months. I am often asked what is your secret? referring to my successes in my direct sales business. The secret is that I treat it like a business or a profession. There are certain business practices that all successful businesses follow. They are called best-business-practices. One best-business-practice that all successful businesses follow is to write and rewrite annually a business plan.

A business plan has three purposes:

1.Provides clarity and purpose

2.Gives you IRS compliance when taking home office deduction

3.Gives you a road map for success over the next year

Not only does a good business plan spell out your goals, mission and purpose but it also provides you with actions to take. When you have a plan in place you will have a better understanding on where to invest your time and money.

Here is an example of the type of details a plan may include:

Mission Statement:

The mission of Snuggy Bunny Baskets is to:

1.Have a customer base of at least 10 annual repeat customers

2.Service my customers in the best way I can

3.Sponsor active Independent Representatives

4.Support and train my recruits in the best way I can

5.Be an active part of the business community

6.Attend monthly & yearly business meetings

Marketing & Sales:

Snuggy Bunny Baskets will use the following marketing methods to promote the mission statement: (other methods will be incorporated as necessary)

Retail Sales:

1.Home Shows

2.Catalog (Book) Shows


4.Pass out business cards

5.Give gifts & promotions (of company products) to family, friends & potential customers

6.Attend (or join) local professional organizations

7.Fund Raisers/Basket Bingos

8.Business meetings over a meal

A IRS direct sales specific business plan template makes it easy to plug in your own details. Listen to an audio recording on Creating A Business Plan.

Your business plan is a perpetual work in progress. It will change from time to time and year to year and without one your goals will most likely elude you. I encourage you to complete your business plan as soon as you can. It is amazing what it will do for your business.

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